The moment that changed my life forever was on November 16, 1994, at the original Wembley Stadium, during the Nigeria vs. England match. The sheer magic of that day, set against the iconic backdrop of the Twin Towers, sparked my love for football. Since then, football has been more than a passion; it's been the flame that has ignited my career.

My journey in the world of football has been multifaceted. I've not only played the game (to varying degrees of success) but also transitioned into coaching, hosting, and refereeing. Along the way, I ventured into diverse fields such as fashion, advertising, marketing, public relations, and strategy, gaining a wealth of experiences that transformed me into a digital storytelling powerhouse. I discovered my niche by merging my love for football with my storytelling prowess, birthing my brainchild: The Shirtless Plantain Show, a digital platform dedicated to the beautiful game.

I'm not just a storyteller; I'm a boundary pusher, an individual unafraid to tread where others hesitate. Coming from a multicultural background, my narratives offer a unique perspective. Born and raised in London to Nigerian parents (who taught me Yoruba) and later coming of age in Baltimore, I've learned to view the world through varying cultural lenses. These experiences have enabled me to incorporate distinctive perspectives in my storytelling techniques.

Beyond my professional pursuits, I find solace in styling/fashion as well as the vast world of sports, relishing every moment as a spectator. When I'm not engrossed in a game, you'll find me pushing my limits at the gym, immersing myself in music, or experimenting with flavors in the kitchen.

I'm Tosin Makinde, and my life's work is to bridge the gap between cultures and connect hearts through the universal language of storytelling.